Sunday, October 19, 2008
La Fluffy Farfalla
Allow me to preface this by stating that as a woman who has curves, I am the last person to call another woman "fluffy". Until now.
About two years ago, on a visit back east, while speaking with an older gentleman about his love of opera, he insisted that if I were going to go alone to my first performance, that I see "La Boheme". He said in his thick Spanish accent, "Darling, you will fall in love with the opera--I promise you." So, making my promise to him, and in the need to expand my cultural base, I purchased a ticket to Puccini's "La Boheme" at the LA Opera.
In my anticipation of attending the Sunday matinee, I bought a black dress and new heels ... I couldn't wait to be amongst other patrons of the theatre ... of the arrrrrts. Actually, sans the black dress and heels, I felt like I was a kid again when my mother would take my sisters, me, and the neighborhood kids to the museum or ballet--it was quite an exciting adventure then, and even now.
After ascending the stairs, my beautiful afternoon quickly became ugly when I was confronted by some of my fellow patrons dressed in "California casual" attire. Seriously, how hard is it to leave the jeans, t-shirts, and flip-flops in the closet, on the floor, or in this case, the garbage? Anyway, I walked past them, had a glass of champagne, and then made my way to my seat after the second bell. All I can say is that before intermission, I was completely captivated; and before the end, I couldn't wait for the beginning of my next Puccini production. My Spanish friend was correct ... "La Boheme" made me fall in love with opera.
Months would go by, and then one day, I saw that Puccini's "Madama Butterfly" was at the LA Opera. Of course, without hesitation, I immediately snapped up tickets for closing night. This time, I was going to be amongst the crowd who would dress for the occasion--the crowd who appreciated the pomp and circumstance of such an amazing event!
Much like yours truly, most of the attendees were clad in black, and some of the men actually wore tuxedos. Champagne was being sipped, women were wearing couture, and I was ready for yet another performance from my Puccini prince.
She walked onto the stage, and for a brief moment, I thought the stage manager sent out the wrong Butterfly. But no, she was there to stay ... for the entire two and a half hours.
Now, just in case you're not aware of who Butterfly is--she's a delicate, graceful, 15 year old, Japanese girl who married an American soldier that ultimately leaves her in his dust. Apparently, the casting director didn't get the memo. This Butterfly was a "fluffy" farfalla (portly butterfly), in her 50s, and black. To make matters worse, throughout the production, the actors do a lot of kneeling; and when Butterfly knelt too long, she struggled getting up and nearly fell back down. It wasn't pretty or graceful (it was as if her wings had been clipped) ... neither was her never-ending death scene. It was quite painful to watch her slowly bend down, then lay down, and then engage in a mini-epileptic seizure.
Should I even mention that the curtain was stuck for at least ten minutes after intermission which gave way to hysterical laughter from the audience? Or what about the four or five bows the cast gave while people were fleeing the scene under the cloak of darkness? Wasn't the final performance suppose to be better than opening night? Maybe I was in a time warp and that was opening night? It's as if the entire cast and crew just gave up and gave us the budget Butterfly.
I will never look at an Italian man the same again ... at least those with the last name of Puccini.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Political Pollution
Okay, I really tried to refrain from writing about this political climate but because it's boiling over, as is my blood, I can no longer hold back.
With that in mind, allow me to preface this by stating that I will make allowances for all of those who have never had the opportunity to travel abroad. And as such, in my opinion, the American media has no doubt condemned you to a life of receiving biased information about the world-at-large … I speak from experience as I did my broadcasting “tour of duty” in Atlanta, Richmond (VA), and Seattle—I know how it works.
For those who live in LA, where the lives of celebrities, weather, and car chases reign supreme in the media, which apparently leaves little time for global matters, you too are exonerated from my wrath.
But, for those of you who have traveled out of the country, and may join me in my angst of pretending to be a Canuck so as to avoid the ever-prevalent anti-American sentiments, and perhaps are tired of being hammered with questions such as: “Why don’t American’s have their passports?” … “Why does America have so much hatred for the rest of the world?” … “Why are most Americans racist?” … “Why do Americans have such white teeth?”, I ask you to read on.
Food for thought:
*If McCain cannot fulfill his duties as president, Palin (attendee of several colleges, beauty queen, sports reporter, mom of 5, former mayor to approx 10,000 residents, and current Alaskan governor) will become president. That is a 50/50 chance.
*How can someone vote for a VP nominee who just got a passport in 2007 and believes that her proximity to Russia gives her international experience? But wait a minute that’s not so crazy … if proximity is the key to being VP, I should go into politics! Unlike Palin, I’ve actually been to Russia, was aboard a nuclear ship that Putin had been on, sailed to the Artic Circle (didn’t see Alaska but saw those white bears that Palin doesn’t think should be on the endangered list), and discussed global warming with scientists. Oval office, here I come!
*Why didn’t Palin site the EXXON VALDEZ case when asked to name any decisions by the US Supreme Court that she didn’t agree with beyond Roe v. Wade? Did I mention that Palin is from Alaska and the incident happened in Alaskan waters? How could she draw a blank? After all, she didn’t agree with the decision! That was Katie Couric … imagine if she draws a blank when it really matters!
*Teen pregnancy is an epidemic—across all demographics. Perhaps hockey moms with daughters should think about the message they’re sending as they vote for a VP nominee / fellow hockey mom with a pregnant teenager. Apparently she wasn’t so much of a pit bull. I can hear it now … “But mom, that Palin girl got pregnant too-can I have my allowance to go to the hockey game"?
*While Palin is condemning Obama for “palling around with terrorists” and questioning his allegiance to America, WHY aren’t the McCain/Palin followers concerned with the fact that Mr. Palin belonged to the Alaskan Independence Party? Yes, THAT GROUP that wanted Alaska to secede from America.
*Obama denounced Pastor Wright but Palin hasn’t denounced the African minister who laid hands on her (YouTube Pastor Muthee). This is the minister who proudly admits to running a “witch” out of an African town. If the tables were turned, McCain/Palin followers would be yelling “kill him” at rallies. Oh wait, they already are.
*Why doesn’t anyone question McCain’s association with Bush whose grandfather, Prescott Bush, (allegedly) helped finance the Nazi Party from 1926-1943? That would have made McCain 10 years old. You know, like Obama was 8 when Ayers was “up to no good”.
*How can people have the audacity to question Obama’s lineage and background but vote for the “Terminator” even though his Austrian father volunteered for the infamous Nazi SA and became a ranking officer?
*I am amazed at the ignorance of people who believe that because of his name, Barack Hussein Obama is obviously an Arab terrorist. Does my name make me a Jewish guy? Or, maybe it makes me a deceased black comedian who converted to Judaism? I guess our national security needs some more tweaking if this alleged terrorist has made it this far in a presidential election!
*When McCain / Palin say, “We will win this war” … what does that mean? Exactly what are we winning? Why are kids who joined the military for economic reasons still dying in Iraq? Although they found Sadam in Iraq, they didn’t find weapons of mass destruction, and what else won’t they find in Iraq? You betcha--bin Laden. Think about it, shouldn’t they have found him by now? Even if he is found, this killing will go on and on because WE CANNOT "win" against Jihad. It's like we're fighting for apples and they're ready and willing to die in the name of Allah. Whatever Bush and his men did to warrant an attack the magnitude of 9 11, he screwed us big time!
*McCain isn’t a maverick. He was a POW who opted not to be released by his captors. That makes him something else … not a maverick. There are a lot of POWs—should they all run for president?
Things people have said and my response:
“Palin is like my next door neighbor -she would make a good president”
“Yeah, I'm not too sure I want my VP cracking open a can of beer, winking across the table, and incorporating phrases like "Joe Six Pack" while foreign relations are being discussed with other heads-of-state. But that's just probably me being elitist."
“I’m not voting because Hillary isn’t on the ticket”
“Hillary would be proud that you’re throwing your right to vote down the toilet—did you know that she supports Obama?”
“I’m gay but I’m a Republican – I don’t want my taxes raised”
“Great, vote for someone who openly says she tolerates you.”
“I’m concerned about the safety of the country … Obama doesn’t have experience.”
“I’m concerned about people who yell out, “Kill him!” at Republican rallies. Oh, and people like proven domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh--remember him? Oh, and Palin with all of her “international experience” who could inherit the title of Commander-In-Chief. Oh, and a trigger-happy “maverick” who would rather shoot first and ask questions later. Oh, I'm also concerned about people who think that as long as America is the only country that’s allowed to have the most weapons of mass destruction, we will be A-OK.”
“America isn’t ready for a black president”
“So the fact that he graduated from Columbia, then graduated magna cum laude, with a J.D., from Harvard Law School, and was the president of the Harvard Law Review doesn’t mean so much because he’s bi-racial? Let me guess, if he finished 5th from the bottom of his graduating class (say 894th out of 899) and received over 100 demerits while for example, at Anapolis, that would be ok? Personally, I don’t care if my president looks like an Umpa Lumpa—I want him to be intelligent, not a "maverick".
"I'm voting for McCain, not Palin."
"I have no comment."
Whatever the outcome, I hope that on the morning of November 5, we will ban together and support our new president because whoever inherits the position is going to need it!
With that in mind, allow me to preface this by stating that I will make allowances for all of those who have never had the opportunity to travel abroad. And as such, in my opinion, the American media has no doubt condemned you to a life of receiving biased information about the world-at-large … I speak from experience as I did my broadcasting “tour of duty” in Atlanta, Richmond (VA), and Seattle—I know how it works.
For those who live in LA, where the lives of celebrities, weather, and car chases reign supreme in the media, which apparently leaves little time for global matters, you too are exonerated from my wrath.
But, for those of you who have traveled out of the country, and may join me in my angst of pretending to be a Canuck so as to avoid the ever-prevalent anti-American sentiments, and perhaps are tired of being hammered with questions such as: “Why don’t American’s have their passports?” … “Why does America have so much hatred for the rest of the world?” … “Why are most Americans racist?” … “Why do Americans have such white teeth?”, I ask you to read on.
Food for thought:
*If McCain cannot fulfill his duties as president, Palin (attendee of several colleges, beauty queen, sports reporter, mom of 5, former mayor to approx 10,000 residents, and current Alaskan governor) will become president. That is a 50/50 chance.
*How can someone vote for a VP nominee who just got a passport in 2007 and believes that her proximity to Russia gives her international experience? But wait a minute that’s not so crazy … if proximity is the key to being VP, I should go into politics! Unlike Palin, I’ve actually been to Russia, was aboard a nuclear ship that Putin had been on, sailed to the Artic Circle (didn’t see Alaska but saw those white bears that Palin doesn’t think should be on the endangered list), and discussed global warming with scientists. Oval office, here I come!
*Why didn’t Palin site the EXXON VALDEZ case when asked to name any decisions by the US Supreme Court that she didn’t agree with beyond Roe v. Wade? Did I mention that Palin is from Alaska and the incident happened in Alaskan waters? How could she draw a blank? After all, she didn’t agree with the decision! That was Katie Couric … imagine if she draws a blank when it really matters!
*Teen pregnancy is an epidemic—across all demographics. Perhaps hockey moms with daughters should think about the message they’re sending as they vote for a VP nominee / fellow hockey mom with a pregnant teenager. Apparently she wasn’t so much of a pit bull. I can hear it now … “But mom, that Palin girl got pregnant too-can I have my allowance to go to the hockey game"?
*While Palin is condemning Obama for “palling around with terrorists” and questioning his allegiance to America, WHY aren’t the McCain/Palin followers concerned with the fact that Mr. Palin belonged to the Alaskan Independence Party? Yes, THAT GROUP that wanted Alaska to secede from America.
*Obama denounced Pastor Wright but Palin hasn’t denounced the African minister who laid hands on her (YouTube Pastor Muthee). This is the minister who proudly admits to running a “witch” out of an African town. If the tables were turned, McCain/Palin followers would be yelling “kill him” at rallies. Oh wait, they already are.
*Why doesn’t anyone question McCain’s association with Bush whose grandfather, Prescott Bush, (allegedly) helped finance the Nazi Party from 1926-1943? That would have made McCain 10 years old. You know, like Obama was 8 when Ayers was “up to no good”.
*How can people have the audacity to question Obama’s lineage and background but vote for the “Terminator” even though his Austrian father volunteered for the infamous Nazi SA and became a ranking officer?
*I am amazed at the ignorance of people who believe that because of his name, Barack Hussein Obama is obviously an Arab terrorist. Does my name make me a Jewish guy? Or, maybe it makes me a deceased black comedian who converted to Judaism? I guess our national security needs some more tweaking if this alleged terrorist has made it this far in a presidential election!
*When McCain / Palin say, “We will win this war” … what does that mean? Exactly what are we winning? Why are kids who joined the military for economic reasons still dying in Iraq? Although they found Sadam in Iraq, they didn’t find weapons of mass destruction, and what else won’t they find in Iraq? You betcha--bin Laden. Think about it, shouldn’t they have found him by now? Even if he is found, this killing will go on and on because WE CANNOT "win" against Jihad. It's like we're fighting for apples and they're ready and willing to die in the name of Allah. Whatever Bush and his men did to warrant an attack the magnitude of 9 11, he screwed us big time!
*McCain isn’t a maverick. He was a POW who opted not to be released by his captors. That makes him something else … not a maverick. There are a lot of POWs—should they all run for president?
Things people have said and my response:
“Palin is like my next door neighbor -she would make a good president”
“Yeah, I'm not too sure I want my VP cracking open a can of beer, winking across the table, and incorporating phrases like "Joe Six Pack" while foreign relations are being discussed with other heads-of-state. But that's just probably me being elitist."
“I’m not voting because Hillary isn’t on the ticket”
“Hillary would be proud that you’re throwing your right to vote down the toilet—did you know that she supports Obama?”
“I’m gay but I’m a Republican – I don’t want my taxes raised”
“Great, vote for someone who openly says she tolerates you.”
“I’m concerned about the safety of the country … Obama doesn’t have experience.”
“I’m concerned about people who yell out, “Kill him!” at Republican rallies. Oh, and people like proven domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh--remember him? Oh, and Palin with all of her “international experience” who could inherit the title of Commander-In-Chief. Oh, and a trigger-happy “maverick” who would rather shoot first and ask questions later. Oh, I'm also concerned about people who think that as long as America is the only country that’s allowed to have the most weapons of mass destruction, we will be A-OK.”
“America isn’t ready for a black president”
“So the fact that he graduated from Columbia, then graduated magna cum laude, with a J.D., from Harvard Law School, and was the president of the Harvard Law Review doesn’t mean so much because he’s bi-racial? Let me guess, if he finished 5th from the bottom of his graduating class (say 894th out of 899) and received over 100 demerits while for example, at Anapolis, that would be ok? Personally, I don’t care if my president looks like an Umpa Lumpa—I want him to be intelligent, not a "maverick".
"I'm voting for McCain, not Palin."
"I have no comment."
Whatever the outcome, I hope that on the morning of November 5, we will ban together and support our new president because whoever inherits the position is going to need it!
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